List of publications


1.      Daiga Deksne, Inguna Skadiņa and Raivis Skadiņš. 2014. Extended CFG formalism for grammar checker and parser development.// Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics CICLING 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8403, 237-249.

2.      Daiga Deksne and Inguna Skadiņa. 2014. Error-Annotated Corpus for Latvian. // Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective.Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Baltic HLT 2014,  IOS Press, 163-166.

3.      Valdis Girgždis, Maija Kāle, Mārtiņš Vaicekauskis, Ieva Zariņa and Inguna Skadiņa (Tilde). 2014.Tracing Mistakes and Finding Gaps in Automatic Word Alignments for Latvian-English Translation. // Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective.Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Baltic HLT 2014,  IOS Press, 87-94.

4.      Georg Rehm, Hans Uszkoreit, Sophia Ananiadou, Núria Bel, Audrone Bielevicciene, Lars Borin, António Branco, Gerhard Budin, Nicoletta Calzolari, Walter Daelemans, Radovan Garabík, Marko Grobelnik, Carmen Garcia-Mateo, Josef Van Genabith, Jan Hajic, Inma Hernaez, John Judge, Svetla Koeva, Simon Krek, Cvetana Krstev, Krister Linden, Bernardo Magnini, Joseph Mariani, John Mcnaught, Maite Melero, Monica Monachini, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Maciej Ogrodniczuk, Piotr Pezik, Stelios Piperidis, Adam Przepiórkowski, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Michael Rosner, Bolette Pedersen, Inguna Skadina, Koenraad De Smedt, Marko Tadić, Paul Thompson, Dan Tufiș, Tamás Váradi,Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Kadri Vider, Jolanta Zabarskaite. 2014. The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level. // Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), 1517-1524.

5.      Inguna Skadiņa, Inese Vīra, Janis Teseļskis and Raivis Skadiņš. 2014. Mobile Intelligent Virtual Agent with Translation Functionality. // Proceedings of NLDB 2014, LNCS 8455, 258–261.

6.      Inguna Skadiņa, Ilze Auziņa, Guntis Bārzdiņš, Raivis Skadiņš and Andrejs Vasiļjevs.2014. Language Resources and Technology in Latvia (2010-2014). // Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective.Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Baltic HLT 2014,  IOS Press, 227-235.

7.      Raivis Skadiņš, Mārcis Pinnis, Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Inguna Skadiņa and Tomáš Hudík. 2014. Application of Machine Translation in Localization into low-resourced languages. // Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT2014), 209-216.

8.      Koenraad De Smedt, Erhard Hinrichs, Detmar Meurers, Inguna Skadina, Bolette Pedersen, Costanza Navarretta, Núria Bel, Krister Linden,Marketa Lopatkova, Jan Hajic, Gisle Andersen and Przemyslaw Lenkiewicz. 2014. CLARA: A New Generation of Researchers in Common Language Resources and Their Applications. // Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), 2166-2174.

9.      Inese Vīra, Jānis Teseļskis,  Inguna Skadiņa. 2014. Towards the development of the multilingual multimodal virtual agent. // Proceedings of  9th International Conference on NLP PolTAL 2014, LNCS, Vol. 8686, 470-477.

10.  Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A. 2013. Valodas tehnoloģijas. //Latviešu valoda, LU Akadēmiskias apgāds, 453-475.

11.  Deksne D., Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A. 2013. The modern electronic Dictionary that always gives an answer. // Proceedings eLex 2013 - Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: thinking outside the paper, 421-434.

12.  Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A., Borin L., Lindén K., Losnegaard G., Olsen S., Pedersen B., Rozis R., de Smedt K. 2013. Baltic and Nordic Parts of the European Linguistic Infrastructure. // Proceedings of Nodalida 2013, 195-211.

13.  Pinnis, M., Skadiņa, I., Vasiljevs A. 2013. Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation Using Comparable Corpora: Case Study for English-Latvian IT Localisation. CICLing 2013, Part II, LNCS 7817, 224-235.

14.  Skadiņa I., Veisbergs A., Vasiļjevs A., Gornostaja T., Keiša I., Rudzīte A. 2012. Latvian Language in the Digital Age. Springer.

15.  Skadiņa I., K. Levāne-Petrova, G.Rābante. 2012. Linguistically Motivated Evaluation of English-Latvian Statistical Machine Translation. // Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Baltic HLT 2012, IOS Press, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 247, pp. 221-229.

16.  Vasiljevs A., Skadiņa I. 2012. Latvian Language Resources and Tools: Assessment, Description and Sharing. // Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Baltic HLT 2012, IOS Press, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 247, 265-272.

17.  Pinnis, M., Ion, R., Ştefănescu, D., Su, F., Skadiņa, I., Vasiļjevs, A. and Babych, B. 2012. Toolkit for Multi-Level Alignment and Information Extraction from Comparable Corpora.  //Proceedings of System Demonstrations Track of ACL 2012, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 8-14 July.

18.  Pinnis, M., Ljubešić, N., Ştefănescu, D., Skadiņa, I., Tadić, M. and Gornostay, T. Term Extraction, Tagging and Mapping Tools for Under-Resourced Languages. // Proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference (TKE 2012), Madrid, Spain.

19.  Skadiņa I., Aker, A., Mastropavlos, N., Su, F., Tufiș, D., Verlic, M., Vasiļjevs, A., Babych, B., Clough, P., Gaizauskas, R., Glaros, N., Paramita, M., and Mārcis Pinnis. 2012. Collecting and Using Comparable Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation // Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), 438-445.

20.  Vasiljevs, A., Forsberg, M., Gornostay, T., Hansen, D., Jóhannsdóttir, K., Lyse, G., Lindén, K., Offersgaard, L., Olsen, S., Pedersen, B., Rögnvaldsson, E., Skadiņa, I., de Smedt, K., Oksanen, V. and Rozis, R.. 2012. Creation of an Open Shared Language Resource Repository in the Nordic and Baltic Countries // Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), 1076-1083.

21.  Skadiņa, I., Virza, M., Pretkalniņa, L. 2012. Angļu-latviešu statistiskās mašīntulkošanas sistēmas izveide: metodes, resursi, un pirmie rezultāti // Baltistica VIII priedas, Vilnius, 155-168.

22.  Skadiņa I., Vasiljevs A., Borin, L., De Smedt K., Linden K and Rognvaldsson E. 2011. META-NORD: Towards Sharing of Language Resources in Nordic and Baltic Countries, // Proceedings of Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm (LRTS) , p. 107-114, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

23.  Vasiļjevs A., Skadiņš R., Skadiņa I. 2011. Towards Application of User-Tailored Machine Translation. //Proceedings of the 3rd Joint EM+/CNGL Workshop „Bringing MT to the User: Research Meets Translators”, p. 23-31, Luxembourg, 14 October 2011.

24.  Vasiļjevs, A., Pedersen B., De Smedt, K., Borin, L., Skadiņa, I. 2011. META-NORD: Baltic and Nordic Branch of the European Open Linguistic Infrastructure. // Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2011 Workshop Visibility and Availability of LT Resources. Editors: Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen and Per Langgård. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 13 (2011), 18–22.

25.  Vasiļjevs A., Gornostay T., Skadiņa I. 2011. From Terminology Database to Platform for Terminology Services. // Proceedings of the CHAT 2011 Workshop on Creation, Harmonization and Application of Terminology resources, May 11, 2011, Riga, Latvia, 16-21.

26.  Skadiņš R., Puriņš M., Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A. 2011. Evaluation of SMT in localization to under-resourced inflected language. //Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation EAMT 2011,  35-40, May 30-31, 2011, Leuven, Belgium

27.  Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A., Skadiņš R., Gaizauskas R., Tufis D, Gornostay T. 2010. Analysis and Evaluation of Comparable Corpora for Under Resourced Areas of Machine Translation // Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. Applications of Parallel and Comparable Corpora in Natural Language Engineering and the Humanities, 2010, May 22, Valletta, Malta, 6-14.

28.  Khalilov M., Fonollosa J., Skadiņa I., Brālītis E., Pretkalniņa L. 2010. Towards Improving English-Latvian Translation: A System Comparison and a New Rescoring Feature //Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), 2010, May 19-21, Valletta, Malta, 1719-1725

29.  Wittenburg P., Bel N., Borin L., Budin G., Calzolari N., Hajicova E., Koskenniemi K., Lemnitzer L., Maegaard B., Piasecki M., Pierrel J., Piperidis S., Skadina I., Tufis D., Veenendaal R., Váradi T., Wynne M. 2010. Resource and Service Centres as the Backbone for a Sustainable Service Infrastructure //Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation. //Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), 2010, May 19-21, Valletta, Malta, 60-63.

30.  Salway, A., Kelly L., Skadiņa I., Jones G. 2010. Portable Extraction of Partially Structured Facts from the Web. //Loftsson, H., Rögnvaldsson, E. and Helgadóttir, S. (eds.)//  IceTAL 2010, 2010, Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6233, 345-356. Heidelberg, Springer.

31.  Skadiņa, I., Auziņa I., Grūzītis N., Levāne-Petrova K., Nešpore G., Skadiņš R., Vasiļjevs A. 2010. Language Resources and Technology for the Humanities in Latvia (2004–2010). // Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Baltic HLT 2010, IOS Press, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 219, pp. 15-22.

32.  Skadiņa, I., Aker, A., Giouli, V., Tufis, D., Gaizauskas, R., Mieriņa M., Mastropavlos, N. 2010. A Collection of Comparable Corpora for Under-resourced Languages. // Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Baltic HLT 2010, IOS Press, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 219, pp. 161-168.

33.  Skadiņa I. 2010. Vienota valodas resursu un tehnoloģiju infrastruktūra “CLARIN”. //Vārds un pētīšanas aspekti 14 (II), Liepāja, 2010, 299-305.

34.  Gornostay T., Skadiņa I. 2009. English-Latvian Toponym Processing: Translation Strategies and Linguistic Patterns. // Proceedings of the 13th Annual European Association for Machine Translation Conference, May 14-15, 2009, Barcelona, Spain, 81-87.

35.  Gornostay T., Skadiņa I. 2009. Pattern-based English-Latvian Toponym Translation. // Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics NODALIDA, May 14-16, 2009, Odense, Denmark, NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 4 (2009), 41-47.

36.  Skadiņa I., Brālītis E. 2009. English-Latvian SMT: knowledge or data? // Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics NODALIDA, May 14-16, 2009, Odense, Denmark, NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 4 (2009), 242–245.

37.  Skadiņa I. 2009. CLARIN in Latvia: current situation and future perspectives // Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2009 workshop Nordic Perspectives on the CLARIN Infrastructure of Common Language Resources, May 14, 2009, Odense, Denmark, NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 5 (2009), 33-37.

38.  Skadiņa I. 2009. Jaunas iespējas attēlu meklēšanā : ģeogrāfiskajā informācijā un valodu tehnoloģijās balstīta attēlu meklēšanas platforma TRIPOD. //Latvijas Nacionālās Bibliotēkas Zinātniskie raksti, Rīga, 2009, 182-192.

39.  Skadiņa I., Skadiņš R., Deksne D., Gornostay T. 2008. English/Russian-Latvian Machine Translation System. // Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on HLT, Vilnius, 2008, 287-296.

40.  Skadiņa I., Brālītis E. 2008. Experimental Statistical Machine Translation System for Latvian. // Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on HLT, Vilnius, 2008, 281-286.

41.  Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A. 2008. Jaunākie sasniegumi latviešu datorlingvistikas lietojumprogrammās. // Letonikas otrais kongress. Valodniecības raksti-2, LZA, Rīga, 2008, 118-127.

42.  Deksne D., Skadiņš R., Skadiņa I. 2008. Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into Highly Inflected Languages. // Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), Marrakech, Morocco.

43.  Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A., Deksne D., Skadiņš R., Goldberga L. 2007. Comprehension Assistant for Languages of Baltic States. // Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007, Tartu, 2007, 167.-174.

44.  Горностай Т., Васильев А., Скадиньш Р., Скадиня И. 2007. Опыт латышско↔русского машинного перевода. // Труды международной конференции «Диалог 2007», Бекасово, 2007,137-146.

45.  Skadiņa I. 2005. Studies of English-Latvian Legal texts for Machine Translation. // Meaningful Texts: The Extraction of Semantic Information from Monolingual and Multilingual Corpora, Continuum, 2005, 188-195

46.  Deksne D., Skadiņa I., Skadiņš R., Vasiļjevs. 2005. A. Foreign Language Reading Tool – First Step Towards English-Latvian Commercial Machine Translation. // Proceedings of Second Baltic Conference „Human Language Technologies – the Baltic Perspective”, Tallin, 2005.

47.  Skadiņa I. 2004. Machine Translation for Latvian. In: Proceedings of First Baltic Conference „Human Language Technologies – the Baltic Perspective”, Riga, 2004, 102-106.

48.  Demetrioua G., Skadiņa I., Keskustalo H., Karlgren J., Deksne D., Petrellie D., Hansen P., Gaizauskas R., Sanderson M. 2004. Cross-Lingual Document Retrieval, Categorisation and Navigation Based on Distributed Services. // Proceedings of First Baltic Conference „Human Language Technologies – the Baltic Perspective”, Riga, 2004, 107-114.

49.  Skadiņa I. 2004. Latviešu valodas morfoloģiskās analīzes sistēma – tās nozīme teikuma pareizrakstības pārbaudē. // Vārds un pētīšanas aspekti 8, Liepāja, 2004, 282-290.

50.  Skadiņa I. 2003. Electronic Dictionaries and Multilingual Information Society. // Terminology and Technology Transfer in the Multilingual Information Society, Termnet Publisher, -2003, 140-146.

51.  Greitāne I. 1998. Machine Translation and Multilingual Resources for Latvian. // Proceedings of the Third European Seminar “Translation Equivalence”, - 1998. –79. – 86.

52.  Greitāne I. 1998. Datortehnoloģija valodas pētīšanas virziens. (Computer Science in Studies of the Natural Language )// Baltu filoloģija VIII, -1998. –48.-52.

53.  Greitāne I. 1997. Mašīntulkošanas sistēma LATRA. (Machine Translation System LATRA) // LZA Vēstis, - 1997.- Nr.3./4. p. 1-6.

54.  Greitāne I. 1995. Computer Implementation of the Genitive in Latvian. // "Working Papers of Lund University". -Lund: Lund University Press, 1995. - Nr. 44, p. 9-20.

55.  Greitāne I. 1994. Latviešu valodas lokāmo vārdšķiru locīšanas algoritmi. (Algorithms for Latvian Form Generation) // LZA Vēstis. - 1994. -Nr. 1. p. 32-39.

56.  Čevere R., Greitāne I., Spektors A. 1994. The Problems of Word Classification in the Formation of Thematic Word Stock in Automated Terminological Dictionaries. // IITF-Series 4. - Viena: International Network for Terminology 1994. p. 195-200.


  1. Greitāne I., Čevere R. 1990. The Terminology Dictionary Implementation in the INTER-EXPERT System. // "The System INTER-EXPERT. Experience of Applications", Proceedings of Conf., Kalinin, May 22 - 24, 1990 (in Russian).
  2. Čevere R., Greitāne I., Spektors A. 1992. Vārdu klasifikācijas problēmas automatizēto terminoloģisko vārdnīcu tematiskā krājuma veidošanā. (The Problems of Word Classification in the Formation of Thematic Word Stock in Automated Terminological Dictionaries) // "Terminoloģijas zinātne: stāvoklis un perspektīvas", Starptautiskās terminoloģijas konferences materiāli, Rīga, 17-19.augusts, 1992.
  3. Greitāne I. 1994. LATRA - the Cousin of SWETRA. // "Language & Technology in Europe 2000", Reports of Seminar, Riga, November 10-11, 1994 .
  4. Greitāne I. 1995. Development of Machine Translation System for Latvian. // "Proceedings of the First Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe", Riga 15-18 June, 1995.
  5. Greitāne I. 1997. Datortehnoloģija valodas pētīšanas virziens. (Computer Science in Studies of the Natural Language ) // Konferences "Valodas pētīšanas metodes" tēzes. - Riga: LU, - 18.marts, 1997. p. 17-18.
  6. Greitāne I. 1998. Preference rules for automated syntactic analysis of the Latvian language sentences. // Материалы XXVII межвузовской научно-методической конференции предподавателей и аспирантов Выпуск 1. Секция Балтистики 10-12 марта 1998 г., - 1998., -14. - 15.
  7. Greitāne I. 2000. Latviešu valoda interneta laikmetā (Latvian language in internet era) // Akadēmiķa J. Endzelīna 127. dzimšanas dienas atceres starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “valoda zinātnē un izglītībā” tēzes. -Rīga LU Latviešu valodas institūts, 22. februāris, 2000. – 42-45. lpp.
  8. Greitāne I. 2000. Latviešu valodas tekstu datorizētas morfoloģiskās apstrādes metodes // Материалы XXIX межвузовской научно-методической конференции предподавателей и аспирантов Выпуск 1. Секция Балтистики 1-3 марта , 2000, 18-19.
  9. Greitāne I. 2001. Automatizētas tulkošanas rīki latviešu valodai (Automated translation tools for Latvian) // II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress, Rīga, 2001.gada 14. un 15. augustā, - 571. lpp.
  10. Skadiņa I. 2001. Studies of English-Latvian Legal texts for Machine Translation // Abstract of paper at the 6th Telri Seminr, Bansko, 8-11 November 2001, Telri Newsletter 12, October 2001, 13-14.
  11. Skadiņa I. 2002. Datortehnoloģijas lietojums tulkošanā un vārdnīcu izstrādē. // E. Drezena (1892-1937) piemiņai veltītā 2. starptautiskā terminoloģijas konferences “Terminoloģija un tulkošanas tehnoloģija daudzvalodu informācijas sabiedrībā” referātu tēzes, Rīga, 2002, - 44. lpp.
  12. Skadiņa I. 2004. Machine Translation for Latvian. Workshop in Recent Advances in Scandinavian Machine Translation April 23, 2004, Uppsala
  13. Skadiņa, I. 2010. Angļu-latviešu statistiskās mašīntulkošanas sistēmas izveide: metodes, resursi, un pirmie rezultāti // XI starptautiskā baltistu kongresa "Baltu valodu pagātne, tagadne un nākotne" referātu tēzes 2010. gada 27.-30. septembrī = XI tarptautino baltistų kongresa "Baltų kalbų praeitis, dabartis ir ateitis"pranešimų tezės 2010. m. rugsėjo 27.-30. d. = Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Baltistics "Past, Present and Future of the Baltic Languages" September 27-30, 2010 / Latvijas Universitāte un Latvijas Universitātes Latviešu valodas institūts.. Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2010. 166.-168.lpp.
  14. Skadiņa, I. 2012. Analysis and Evaluation of Comparable Corpora for Under-Resourced Areas of Machine Translation // Proceedings of the  Fifth Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora BUCC 2012, 17-19.